About Nordic AML Group

Steering Group

  • Daniel Tuyet Kristensen (secretary)
  • Anne Stidsholt Roug
  • Kim Theilgaard-Mönch
  • Claus Marcher
  • Marianne Severinsen
  • Mika Kontro
  • Antti Turunen
  • Virva Huotari
  • Jani Huuhtanen
  • Pia Ettala
  • Bjørn Tore Gjertsen (chair)
  • Håkon Reikvam
  • Anne Sophie Von Krogh
  • Andrea Lenartova
  • Waleed Majeed
  • Randi Hovland
  • Albin Österros (secretary)
  • Martin Jädersten
  • Jörg Cammenga
  • Linda Fogelstand
  • Sören Lehmann
  • Vladimir Lazarevic

NAMLG is  not-for-profit and aims to improve treatment and research within the Field in the Nordic countries. This goal will be reached by:

  • conducting Nordic multicenter clinical trials
  • supporting exchange of patient material and research expertise
  • supporting basic and clinical research within the Field and related fields
  • preparing of Nordic guidelines for diagnostics and clinical care
  • establishing a network for knowledge about the treatment and nature of the Field and to offer such information to clinicians, nurses, patients and their relatives
  • interacting with patient and governmental Organizations

Purpose of the Organization

The purpose of the Organization is to foster excellence in research and clinical care in the Field of acute myeloid leukemia in the Nordic countries, by forming an active network of clinicians and basic and translational scientists with deep interest and experience in the Field.